The Plaza Hotel & Suites

The Hub of the Midwest Motorcycle Rally

Call the Plaza Hotel & Suites in Winona to get your Blocked room rates!

Phone: 507.453.0303

Mention “Midwest Motorcycle Rally” or “MMR for your discount”
1025 Highway 61 E. Winona, MN

If the Plaza Hotel & Suites are full…

Across the parking lot (The sister Hotel of the Plaza), is the Holiday Inn Express.

Phone: 507.474.1700
1128 Homer Road, Winona, MN

If you like to camp… the Pla-Mor Campground is a fabulous choice!

Just 5 miles southeast of The Plaza Hotel.

Pla-Mor Campground
22718 Little Smokies Ln.  Winona, MN