Guided Bike Tours

The Highlight of the Midwest Motorcycle Rally!

The Guided Bike Tours continue to be a fan favorite over the MMR weekend. Every Tour has something a little different and the ride paces vary too, so you can select the Bike Tour and theme that matches your ride style and desire for the day.

Sign-up sheets will be posted in The Plaza Hotel conference room – suggested 18 bike limit per Bike Tour.

All Bike Tours depart from The Plaza Hotel rear parking lot.

Friday Bike Tours

Saturday Bike Tours

Self Guided Tours

If you would like to go on your own bike tour with some friends, here is your chance. You must download the Free App called Calimoto. Once you set it up on your phone (the directions are below), you can chose from one of the 3 Bike Tours we have provided you. Links and QR codes will be available at the Rally to upload to your phone of the Tour of your choice, right into the Calimoto app… and then you are set to go with turn by turn directions along with voice directions.

Calimoto App Download Instructions PG 1

Calimoto App Download Instructions PG 2


Link to download Calimoto:

Link to load map of “Coon Valley” or QR Code to load it with phone:


Link to download Calimoto:

Link to load map of “Lanesboro Bound” or QR Code to load it with phone:


Link to download Calimoto:

Link to load map of “Maiden Rock” or QR Code to load it with phone: