The Midwest Motorcycle Rally Scavenger Hunt
Here’s the game – hosted by Johnny B:
You will find a list of favorite MMR stops. Go to any of your choice and bring back proof that you were there (day/time stamp in your camera))
Picture of a menu, (50 bonus points for an actual menu 50 bonus points for a cash register receipt – yes you can have both) picture of you with sign of place etc.
Registration starts Wednesday July 17 at 6:30 pm at south end of plaza hotel near the bike wash. Registration will continue Thursday morning until 10:00 am.
Start time is 8:00 am on Thursday 7/18 End time is 5 :00 pm on Saturday 7/20.
All entries in Johnny B’s hands by 5:00 pm on Saturday.
You have to find as many places as possible in allotted time, collect proof, and return. Tickets or accidents equals disqualification.
Entry fee is $5.00 per team.
Prizes for top finisher with all fees returned to participants by a 50/30/20 split.
We only list the name of the place
Must be done in teams with a minimum of 2 people maximum of 6.
Prizes will be announced after the Biker Games on Saturday night.
Enjoy your ride and be safe!